Read the first chapter of Blind Side!

Blind Side is now live and in Kindle Unlimited. Grab your copy here! Here’s a sneak peek inside. Enjoy! Chapter One Giana It was on the most beautiful day that I fell victim to Clay Johnson’s post-breakup meltdown. The summer sun was high and bright in the sky, warm on my skin as I bounced across the North Boston University football field with my iPad in tow, checking off the list of players I needed to pull over for interviews after the first day of fall camp. Fall was whispering on the cool breeze, the faint scent of apples and […]

Special Announcement: What is #BN4?

For the last few weeks, you might have seen me referencing #BN4 on my author page or my personal account. You know I’ve been writing, you know I’m up to 25k now, but I haven’t muttered a peep about what I’m working on. Until now. I’m happy to finally announce the title of my current work in progress: Black Number Four. I have struggled with telling you about this project because I wanted to make sure I knew how to tell you. It was easy to tell you when I was working on Song Chaser because I just said, “Working […]

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