The Story Behind #WritingWednesday

If you’re a fan of my Facebook page, then you’re no stranger to #WritingWednesday. Every week, I post a challenge for my readers – a challenge to set my word goal for that evening. Usually, the post asks readers to like, comment, and share my status to rack up words and add to the goal. Before I start writing that evening, I announce the total goal and then follow up once I finish writing to let everyone know if I met the challenge.

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Which I always do. 😉

So, why did #WritingWednesday become a thing?

It started out as just a fun post that I happened to do on a Wednesday. My husband was getting wings that night to watch a basketball game and he asked if I wanted anything. Because it was from Pizza Hut, I OF COURSE asked for cheese sticks.

I mean seriously, do you see that nomz-worthiness?!

It was such a successful writing night for me – Hubs was entertained with basketball and his wings and I had brain power in the form of melty goodness and a pretty awesome goal set by my fans.

So, when the following Wednesday rolled around, Hubs texted me with one simple question:


Knowing I would have the same amazing deliciousness to go home to and a night free to write, I posted the same post – asking my fans to beat the previous goal they had set the week before. They did, and then (with wine in hand) I met the goal that night – writing a little over 2,000 words.



The tradition continued, and one week a fan commented saying, “I seriously love #WritingWednesdays!”

I thought, “Did I just coin a thing?”


And so the name evolved, the posts continued, and Wednesday has since become sacred in my household – wings and sports for Hubs, cheese sticks, wine, and writing for me. It’s one of my favorite nights of the week, and without fail I always have a great sprinting night on Wednesdays.

And it didn’t stop there.

Soon, other authors began joining me for #WritingWednesday. I now have sprint buddies (shout out to Cassie Graham, Maegan Abel, and Kristen Hope Mazzola!) and we all set out at 9PM EST on Wednesday nights to conquer the world.


Or at least write a few thousand words, anyway. 😉

So, next time you see my post, go ham with the likes, comments, and shares and boost my writing goal. I have yet to not meet the goal set, so keep challenging me. YOU are who makes me better. 🙂


Stay beautiful,


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