COVER REVEAL: Close Quarters

Ahhhh I’m so excited to finally share the cover for Close Quarters!

This is the book I’ve been OBSESSING over and teasing y’all about for months. It’s everything you love in a billionaire romance, plus Kandi Steiner signature angst AND some serious Below Deck vibes.

Are you ready for Theo Whitman?



My boyfriend’s billionaire boss always gets what he wants.⁣

Menacingly handsome and unquestionably powerful, Theo Whitman need only snap his fingers to have a flock of supermodels fall at his feet. So when his steel gray eyes first meet mine, I expect him to pass right over me, to not give so much as a second thought to my presence.⁣

Instead, he sees me. ⁣
Truly sees me. ⁣
And for a girl who prefers to hide behind her camera lens, it’s the most unnerving experience of my life.⁣

⁣Until he asks me to stay on his yacht for the summer.⁣

⁣All I have to do to earn my keep is be Theo’s on-call photographer when he has guests, and I’ll get a free ride through the Mediterranean with my boyfriend. Easy peasy.⁣

⁣Still, my skin prickles in warning when I say yes.⁣

⁣As the humid days fade into balmy nights, I can’t seem to avoid Theo. And when he finds me, it’s like a rabbit running into a wolf.⁣

⁣His intense gaze immobilizes me. The way he speaks strips me bare. Every brush of his skin sears me like a violent flame.⁣

⁣My boyfriend’s billionaire boss always gets what he wants.⁣

⁣And this time, I think he wants me.

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