When I Read Reviews

So, I know you all see your favorite authors thanking your for your reviews of their work, but I don’t think you all truly understand how excited we get. For instance, let’s run through what happened to me this morning…

Clock in at work, it’s 8:00AM on a Tuesday morning. So, this is me:


I catch up on my work, and then I’m like, “Hm, I wonder how Tag Chaser is doing.”


So, I skip on over to Amazon.com.


I’m just scrolling around, viewing the sales rank and making sure the price is correct. But then, I SEE IT.



So I view the most recent reviews, and as I’m reading, I’m just like:


I just seriously love reviews. I mean yes, of course, sometimes there are bad reviews and they make me a little sad.


But then I remember that I write for YOU. So, I start taking notes – because I want to be a better author, and because you’re the way I do that.


And most of the time, you guys say super nice things about my characters and my story. And you may not know it, but it makes me so happy.

So sweet

So, just to reiterate, THANK YOU for taking time to write your reviews. You have no idea how happy they make the authors you write them for, and in case you didn’t know it – we’re listening.

And we love you.

Minion Kiss

Stay Beautiful,


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